Welcome to the website for the District Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees in Surrey....
Which is part of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas.
The Order is governed by the Grand Council, headed by the Grand Master Thomas Firth Jackson, and administered from Mark Masons' Hall in London.
Meetings of this Order are intended to be happy and enjoyable occasions for persons who are genuinely interested in extending their knowledge of, and interest in, freemasonry in a wider context. Membership is open to any Freemason who is a member in good standing of a Lodge of Freemasons governed by the United Grand Lodge of England, and who is also a Mark Master Mason and a Companion of the Holy Royal Arch.
Should you wish to pursue your interest in the Order, please look through our website to find out even more info on this wonderful and happy degree in freemasonry. For further assistance and more information please contact the District Grand Secretary, by completing and submitting the Contact Us Form on this website.
If you are an Allied member visiting the site and there is something you would like added to our web site which you feel may be of interest to both yourself or other Surrey members please send and email to the District Grand Secretary.
With my kindest regards and best wishes,
R.W. Bro. John V. C. French
District Grand Prefect